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The Shawshank Redemption!

The Shawshank Redemption is a classic movie. The direction was once in a life time acheivement according to Frank Darabont.  “It’s hard to make a Shawshank everytime you make a movie.  If it were easy everyone would be making one!”

The movie made it’s debut in 1994.  It stars Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, Gil Bellows  and many other talented actors. The movies archetypal exposition or point of view,  is expressed through the entire movie as “the struggle and triumph of the human spirit!  

The movie was based on the short novel,  “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption” written by Stephen King.  It is a short story from a larger book called, “Different Seasons.”  The settings or film language that Director Frank Darabont chose communicates simply and effectively from the drab dark tones fo the prison walls, the quiet serenity of Maine and the breath taking splendor of the beach scene in the Virgin Islands! 

Bob Gunton  Played the role of  the self righteous warden, Samuel Norton.  Bob has the same raw talent of veteran actor Anthony Hopkins.  After serving in the Vietnam war from 1969 to 1971, Bob spent the majority of his career in theatre.  In 1989  he landed the starring role of  Benjamin Barker in Sweeney Todd!   Bob has done many other fine films since Shawshank, although everyone remembers him for the cruel warden Norton. 

When Andy finally ecsapes from Shawshank he finds himself going through the sewer drain pipe.  It is 500 yards of  human waste, similar to the 19 years he had to live through in the form of rape and brutality.   His travels through the pipe can be compared to the journey from the womb.  He is struggling and fighting his way to freedom and new birth. 

The roles that an  actor, director, producer, cinematographer, writer or location manager  are very exacting.  Decisions for lighting, camera angles, background and other choices are what create a classic or a flop. 

For more indepth analysis of The Shawshank Redemption please visit:  Analysis / Shawshank

                                                                                                                                                                                      David Wayne

Click here for a review on Shawshank!!

June 26, 2010 - Posted by | Acting, acting classes, classic movies in review, Directors, Uncategorized | , , , , ,

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